Lindsey Buckingham in Atlanta, Georgia

Date: April 2, 1993
Source: Audience recording
Discs: Two

Note: Major flaws in the sound of the first three songs, with part of Big Love cut out entirely. The sound on the rest of the show is not bad, although there is some skipping.

Setlist :

Disc One

1) Big Love - incomplete
2) Don't Look Down
3) The Chain
4) Trouble
5) Tusk
6) You Do or You Don't
7) I'm So Afraid
8) This Nearly Was Mine / Street of Dreams
9) Never Going Back Again
10) All My Sorrows
11) Doing What I Can
12) This Is The Time

Disc Two

1) Go Your Own Way
2) Save Me a Place
3) Band Intros
4) Eyes of the World
5) Soul Drifter